5 Lessons to Succeed in Your Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Journey

Pregnancy and Fitness, Part 1

The biggest lessons I’ve learned through being a certified PRONatal Fitness professional— and from my own childbirth experience

By Kristen Latteri

Every pregnancy is different. It's important to acknowledge that we all have our own experiences with our prenatal and postnatal (aka postpartum) bodies.

That being said, these are some of my biggest takeaways from having my own child as well as being a PRONatal Fitness Certified and a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer.

What contributes to a successful prenatal and postnatal fitness program? How can you achieve your goals during pregnancy and postpartum?

Looking back on my own experience, there are five important lessons I had to learn in order to successfully incorporate physical fitness into my life during pregnancy, and as a new mom.

1. Learn to Adapt

I had a plan for myself that included fitness during and after my pregnancy. I had a birth plan, a breastfeeding plan, and lots of other plans.  Let me tell you, not one of these went as I had imagined. Learning how to adapt to all of the things that were not under my control, and acting on what was under my control with the best information I had at the time, proved vital.

2. Be Patient When It Comes to Change

This particular lesson was most important for me postpartum. Can we just agree to eliminate the words “bounce back” from our vocabulary? It took patience to safely and sustainably recover, rebuild strength, and ultimately incorporate my favorite fitness activities back into my routine.

3. Prioritize Self

I still need this reminder from time to time. Prioritizing myself means finding a way to incorporate health and fitness with all the other things that are important to me. With all of the demands of daily life, so many things can get in the way of carving out time for fitness, especially during pregnancy and with a new baby. As a new mom, finding the time and energy to exercise was difficult. I encourage you to remember that spending even a half hour on yourself isn’t the luxury it may seem like— it is essential. 

4. It Really Does Take a Village

I cannot emphasize this enough. I needed to build my community and learn to ask for help. I found pre/post natal group classes to be an invaluable resource during this time. Connecting with other people going through a similar time in life was motivating, comforting, and informative.

5. Redefine What “Strength” Means to You

I had to redefine what strength means, and that meant redefining my fitness goals. During pregnancy that meant feeling good during pregnancy and preparing my body for childbirth. In the months after the birth of my son, strength meant recovering and being able to get through the day. Today, strength means feeling good in my body while doing the things I enjoy, safely and sustainably. The success is in the effort and showing up in the moment.

Meet the Author

Kristen is a NASM certified personal trainer who also holds a masters degree in social work from Fordham University. She has a strong interest in the interconnectedness between physical health and mental well-being that led her to pursue a career in personal training. Kristen works to promote healthy and happy lifestyles by coaching her clients through safe and fun workouts designed to help them achieve their personal goals.

Growing up as a competitive figure skater and ice hockey player, movement and physical fitness have always played a central role in her life. Kristen is an avid snowboarder and enjoys spending time outdoors hiking and biking with her family.


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Trainer Spotlight: Kristen Latteri