Mobility and Endurance Training for Labor and Delivery

Pregnancy and Fitness, Part 3

Preparing your body for the unique mobility and endurance demands of childbirth

By Kristen Latteri

Giving birth is often a high-stress experience on the body and mind. Practice these techniques during your pregnancy so you can comfortably call upon them during labor and delivery.

Welcome back! In my last post, I discussed strengthening your inner core specifically for the event of childbirth. A strong and well functioning inner core is the foundation for safe and effective mobility and endurance training, so I encourage you to read Part 2 of this series if you have not already.

Labor and Birthing Positions

Depending on the type of birth and team you’ve chosen to deliver the baby, there are a variety of positions you may want to access during labor and delivery. The goal here is to practice so you will be able to access and feel comfortable moving into any of these positions when you need to. Here are a few common positions to practice. (I should note that if you choose to have an epidural, as I did, you will have to stay in bed after the epidural is administered.)

  • Deep Squat: Can be really helpful during stage 1 labor when contractions start to get more intense, and can be difficult for some people to access. Start practicing now so you feel comfortable and have the mobility to use this position during the big event! 

    • Start in quadruped position – shoulders over hands, hips over knees.

    • Tuck your toes.

    • Move yourself into a squat position by walking hands back 

    • Repeat a few times, moving between quadruped and deep squat.

    • For hip mobility, add hip rotations. 

  • Quadruped

    • Start on hands and knees – shoulders over hands, hips over knees, long spine with ears in line with shoulders. 

    • Keep your back flat like a table, maintaining a neutral spine.

    • Practice 360 breathing in this position. 

  • Quadruped Pelvic Tilts: You may know this as Cat/Cow in yoga. A forward leaning posture like this can help get the baby into a good position by creating more space in the pelvis. Tilting the pelvis forward and back can be a great stretch to alleviate lower back pain.

    • Start by lifting your tailbone and head toward the ceiling. Inhale, feeling your sit bones open as you move your tailbone up. Focus on creating space in the front of the body and lengthening the whole spine.

    • Start moving into the cat position by exhaling, which will engage the transverse abdominis, tucking your chin and tucking your tailbone ensuring the lower back gets a good stretch. The peak of the curve should be closer to the tailbone than the shoulder blades to better alleviate tension in the lower back. 

    • Repeat, breathing deeply throughout.

Labor Intensive Interval Training

As labor progresses, the contractions get longer and more frequent. Why not incorporate these intervals into your training? This practice will prepare you for both the mental and physical endurance needed for labor.

PRONatal Fitness coined the term Labor Intensive Interval Training, or LIIT. LIIT work-rest-ratios mimic the pattern of contractions: the longer and more intense the work, the shorter the rest interval.  During the rest interval, you choose a labor position to practice. The goal of LIIT is to be able to transition as quickly as possible into rest and recovery to be prepared for the next round of contractions.

Before incorporating interval training, make sure you are able to perform the movements in proper alignment. Always start with shorter work intervals with a longer rest period (ex: 30 seconds of work, 60 seconds of rest), and gradually work up to increasing the time of work intervals and shorten the rest period (ex: 60 seconds of work, 45 seconds of rest). Below is a sample interval:

  1. Perform an exercise that gets the heart rate up, like a squat.

  2. Assume your a labor position of choice and begin patterned breathing.

  3. Work up to a higher work-to-rest ratio. 

Every childbirth is a unique experience. Although I prepared my body for labor and delivery, which statistically gave me a better chance of not needing a medical intervention, I had an emergency C-section. Regardless, I am glad for all the preparation I did. It empowered me to feel physically and mentally strong as I went into labor; it helped me through the first stage of labor; and I’m certain it allowed me to recover more quickly from the surgery. This is one of the ways in which I came to appreciate the importance of learning to adapt— number one in the top five lessons I learned on my prenatal fitness journey!

I would love to support you on your journey. Email me with your questions about self-care and fitness during pregnancy or postpartum. I encourage you to practice these exercises and let me know how it goes!

Meet the Author

Kristen is a NASM certified personal trainer who also holds a masters degree in social work from Fordham University. She has a strong interest in the interconnectedness between physical health and mental well-being that led her to pursue a career in personal training. Kristen works to promote healthy and happy lifestyles by coaching her clients through safe and fun workouts designed to help them achieve their personal goals.

Growing up as a competitive figure skater and ice hockey player, movement and physical fitness have always played a central role in her life. Kristen is an avid snowboarder and enjoys spending time outdoors hiking and biking with her family.

“I love helping my clients reach their wellness goals by designing fitness programs that can be incorporated into a balanced lifestyle. My goal is to make working out a fun part of your routine!”


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Preparing Your Inner Core for Labor and Delivery